who we are

Like most folk, our journey did not begin here, at Coastal Curiosities…….however, my journey began in a small coastal town - Yarmouth - on the southwestern most shore of Nova Scotia. That is where my love for the ocean and all things “sea” began. 

Some would say that once the ocean is in your blood, the love for it, longing to be near it and the yearning to return to it never goes away. THAT, is how we docked our ship, so to speak, in the quiet, coastal town that is dwarfed by the Appalachian Mountains, on the North Shore of New Brunswick. 

We first discovered the raw natural beauty of a place where the mountains meet the ocean, on a house hunting trip while we were living and working in Canada’s magnificent Arctic, in Iqaluit, Nunavut, which by the way, just happens to be located on the ocean (are you seeing a theme here?) as well. 

One visit to this majestic area on the Baie des Chaleurs and we knew this was the place to be. 

A few years after purchasing our home here, and after a few other employment adventures, the time was right for the creation of our always present creative side, coupled with our love for ALL things ocean, and Coastal Curiosities was born in our heart and minds. 

Fast forward another year and the time became right for the first home for our creativity, with Coastal Curiosities, on William Street in the picturesque, seaside town of Dalhousie, N.B. nestled between the ocean and the Appalachian mountains. 

Although Northern N.B. was a beautiful spot, the call of home (Nova Scotia) , became very strong. As such, we made the decision to sell our home in N.B. and head back to my roots and the South Western Shore of Nova Scotia, Yarmouth, specifically.

After 6 months we were finally ready to begin searching for a permanent home and we were blessed to find the perfect house, on Baie St. Marie, in Comeauville N.S. Fast forward to Spring of 2024 and it was time to resurrect Coastal Curiosities and begin the transformation of the space in our home to set up shop once again.

Our hope is that whether you live near the ocean or if life has taken you far from it, that through our handcrafted creations, you find that piece of your heart that’s been missing and that you too may be taken back to your first love, the ocean.